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MyPlate for Expecting Moms Poster MyPlate for Expecting Moms Poster
The MyPlate for Expecting Moms Poster provides recommendations based on the USDA MyPlate to help pregnant women eat...more
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MyPlate for Expecting Moms Spanish Poster MyPlate for Expecting Moms Spanish Poster
Based on the USDA's MyPlate, the recommendations on the MyPlate for Expecting Moms Spanish Poster help pregn...more
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MyPlate for Older Adults Poster MyPlate for Older Adults Poster
As generations grow older, their nutrition needs change. The MyPlate for Older Adults Poster features a unique icon...more
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MyPlate for Preschoolers Poster MyPlate for Preschoolers Poster
Encourage parents of young children to choose healthy and nutritious foods with the MyPlate for Preschoolers Poster...more
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MyPlate for Vegetarians Poster MyPlate for Vegetarians Poster
The MyPlate for Vegetarians Poster features photographs of healthy, nutrient-rich vegetarian food options from each...more
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MyPlate More Fruits and Veggies Poster MyPlate More Fruits and Veggies Poster
Key nutrition message from the MyPlate food guide is cleverly presented using music as a theme on this MyPlate More...more
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MyPlate Portion Size Poster MyPlate Portion Size Poster
Each food group features images of real foods in correct portion sizes in the MyPlate Portion Size Poster and offer...more
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MyPlate Reach for H20 Poster MyPlate Reach for H20 Poster
Key nutrition message from the MyPlate food guide is cleverly presented using music as a theme on this MyPlate Reac...more
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MyPlate Switch to Skim Poster MyPlate Switch to Skim Poster
Key nutrition message from the MyPlate food guide is cleverly presented using music as a theme on this MyPlate Swit...more
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MyPlate Tune In Poster MyPlate Tune In Poster
Key nutrition message from the MyPlate food guide is cleverly presented using music as a theme on this MyPlate Tune...more
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